Thursday, June 23, 2005

Real World

Okay, I have to confess . . . I'm a "The Real World" junkie. Or at least the first and last episodes. I love watching them all meet for the first time and then say their goodbyes. The stuff in the midde I could take or leave. Anyway last night I caught a rerun of the first episode of the new season and the drama is in full swing right off the bat. The second night they are in Austin one of the roommates gets hit in the face in a drunken "brawl" and fractures a bone in his face that is going to require surgery to fix. Ouch! Does that really happen in "real" life?! I'm kind of sad about the whole thing because the guy was quickly becoming a favorite of mine because he had a kick-arse Boston accent.

I started wondering last night, does MTV give these people fake IDs or how can they all go out clubbing and drinking when most of them are only 19 or 20 years old? Are there really that many bars that will serve people underaged? Do they ever get in trouble after the show airs if they are serving minors?

This may be the season that I watch religously . . . although I think I think that every season. One of these times, though!

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