Sunday, June 05, 2005

Grrrr IE!

I'm starting to hate Internet Explorer . . . I see things all funky with this stupid browser. I may break down and let Adam download a new one for my computer. *pauses so that Adam can do a little jig when he reads this*

I went to church with Eric and Angie this morning. Pastor I gave a "Star Wars" themed sermon ~ it was really, really good. I love his sermons ~ the visual aides help keep me focused. I feel like since we've started going to St. Mark's I've really been listening to the scriptures that are included in the services. Maybe its because its always a pastor that is reading them instead of back home where just members of the congregation would read it. There's something about seeing a pastor at the front of the church talking to you that commands a little more attention and focus that just regular old Joe Schmoe reading something from the front.

Joe Schmoe . . . I loved that show. Speaking of Eric and Angie they got us addicted to that show. Probably not one that Spike can do any more episodes of because its pretty well known now, which is too bad. Adam and I watched "Beauty and the Geek" on the WB last week ~ I think it was Wednesday night. That's a pretty good show (for a lame reality show by Ashton Kutcher anyway). Its about time we have something to fill up our empty Wednesday night since Julio's get togethers are few and far between these days. Maybe they will start becoming regular again since Angie only works until 6. Although its not as easy for us to go out anymore with the youngin'.

Its almost Alyssa's bedtime. I'm not ready for Sunday to be over with. I love the weekends. I love having Adam home with us ~ and not just because I can dump Alyssa on him and hit the computer for hours on end! He's a good guy to hang out with.

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