Thursday, June 09, 2005

Mark's birthday

Yesterday was my brother's birthday ~ the big 4-0! I'm feeling kind of bitter about his birthday as he didn't acknowledge mine at all. I know at least the past 2 years he's called and wished me a happy birthday even if he knew that I would be out (because it was margarita night!). But I love him and I wanted him to know that I was thinking about him. But I didn't REALLY want to talk to him. And I REALLY didn't want to talk to Christi if she would happen to pick up the phone. Although since no one is supposed to know that she's there, she probably wouldn't pick up the phone. Anyway, I called his cell phone around lunchtime thinking I might catch him, but I got his voicemail (I hope it was his ~ it was the general cell phone lady talking) and left a message. Now I'm wondering if he was screening his calls. Not that he would have any reason to, but it still crossed my mind. Ugh. I wish that I could pick a time in my life that I really loved the way a person in my life was and keep them that person forever. I would pick 19-20 year old Mark. Or maybe Mark around the time of my wedding. . . that was a good Mark, too. And still older than me so that he could still be my big brother.

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