Friday, May 19, 2006

Super Dad to the rescue

some of you know that my cell phone has been "broken" since late October. (I dropped it and the inside screen broke, so I can't see what I'm doing and its a craps shoot to try to use my phone book to call anyone). We've tried calling Verizon several times to see if we could sweet talk (or hard ball ~ as well as Adam and I can play hard ball) them into giving us new phones. Adam's phone stopped working right about a month ago after what we think was a swimming date between the cell phone and the dog's water bowl ~ you can thank your hostess, Alyssa, folks. So, earlier this week we attempted to call Verizon to tell them we wanted to cancel our plan in hopes that they would drop to their knees and beg us to stay with them and offer all sorts of impressive deals. It didn't work that way. So today I called my dad to see if I could get an appointment this weekend with a friend of his that fixes Verizon phones. Bad news was that Samsung (the brand that my phone is) won't sell him electronic pieces. They'll sell him the outside case or the inside case, but no screens. I would have to send it in and who knows how much that would be or how long it would take. So, Dad told me that he was going to call Verizon after lunch and see what he could do about getting me a new phone. He actually sounded like he expected them to just say "Yes sir, Norm, we'll be overnighting those new phones to your daughter immediately". Of course, they pretty much laughed at him when he called, but it was really sweet/cute that my Dad still wants to take care of me.

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