Thursday, June 05, 2008

Pet peeve

This may be my greatest pet peeve, and I don't think I've ever divulged it to anyone. Its such a "parenting" pet peeve. Or maybe just a mommy one.

It drives me NUTS when people sit down at the table before I have the entire meal ready to go. It bothers me when people/kids are just sitting at the table waiting for a meal to be served to them. I want to scream when people start eating and I'm still running around trying to get everything set out, drinks, the kids food ready, napkins, etc. I hate how it ends up feeling so chaotic and I feel like I'm constantly behind.

In my dream world, no one else would be in the kitchen while I was getting a meal ready. I would be able to get the plates filled, drinks poured, napkins, silverware, etc on the table and then everyone would could sit down. Everyone. At the same time. Without me stumbling over people while I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off.

I tried implementing my "wishes" today at lunch with daycare kids. There was a LOT of crying and some yelling and a lot of pulling kids away from the table/kitchen, but once everyone sat down, then it went much smoother. There was no "I need a napkin! I don't want a spoon; I want a fork! I want a drink! Where's MY pears?!"; there was just eating. (Did you notice that we seem to lack a lot of manners during the "demanding" phase of meals?)

1 comment:

Adam said...

I never knew...