Monday, October 16, 2006

*updated!* Our baby . . .

has a PENIS!

Ultrasound pictures and more details to follow as soon as possible! :)

**updated 10/17**

So, the news that we are having a boy was not what I was really expecting to hear, but I think it was what I "needed" to hear. I'm feeling so much more relaxed about bringing another baby into the family because I know that the mommy/daughter bond that I share with Alyssa will still be fully intact. I truly feel now that we're adding on to our family instead of trying to make another child fit in somewhere, if that makes any sense.

And I think its kind of cool that things will be "even" now. Not only will we have 2 boys and 2 girls (at least human-count-wise), but Adam can have his daddy's girl and I can have my momma's boy. And come wedding time Adam gets to do the daddy/daughter dance and I get to do the mother/son dance.

It just all around feels perfect. Not sure if this little guy will complete our family or not (Adam seems to think so because I think he's already making plans for a little "snip-snip"), but I think he will absolutely be a very positive addition. And now Adam doesn't have to worry about me going out and buying our kids matching outfits. But darn it, my kids WILL have coordinating outfits for special occasions and I better not get any crap for it. ;)

And for those who care, my 20 week appointment went pretty well. I did have a pretty big weight jump this time, but considering up until now I'd only gained 1 pound, that's not too bad. (My midwife said that considering that she wasn't going to give me a hard time about it ~ yay!). I do think some of it was water retention because I have been loading up on the sodium and down on the water lately. I talked to Jenda about my back/tailbone/hip pain and she said that I have a joint at the bottom of my spine that is basically slipping out of place. Good news is that it goes right back in. Its fairly common, but does suck. But if it were to slip out and not go back in, all I would just have to see a physical therapist or chiropracter to fix me up. Much better than the "neurological defects/damage" that I had been reading about. Damn anyway! Oh, and once again I was complimented on my cervix length ~ last time my cervix was a "fortress"; this time its "Fort Knox". No preterm labor for this lady, I guess. Heartbeat was steady at 136 during the u/s and 140 during my appointment, blood pressure was good, and I broke down/got bullied into getting one of those damn flu shots. And I haven't been able to lay on my left side because my arm STILL hurts.


Nat said...


Angela Dwight said...

You're going to have a boy!! YEAH! Congratulations!

PSUMommy said...


Christi said...

Jeff ~ I'll send you a link to the penis . . . didn't feel it was "blog appropriate". ;)

4texans said...

Congrats~ guess I missed the announcement that you are having a boy!