Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I'm worth a lot, too!

Last night our insurance woman came over to talk to us about life insurance. Dum dum dummmmmmmm. Something that I know we really need to do (along with wills and all that jazz), but its so easy to put off because a) we don't have a whole lot of extra money lying around and b) who wants to think about that stuff?! But it turned out to be quite the ego boost for me. I always think about how screwed Alyssa and I would be if something happened to Adam since he's the one that brings all the money into the house, but last night I realized just how screwed Adam could be if something happened to me. We need to take out a policy just as big (if not bigger than Adam's ~ size DOES matter in this case) to cover MY worth (what Adam would have to pay for childcare, ect) if something happened to me. I want to put the estimate sheet on the fridge to prove to myself that just because I don't "work" and bring a paycheck in, I'm still damn important to this well oiled machine we call our family! Money, schmoney, honey . . . its all about the amount of life insurance you need to "replace" me.


PSUMommy said...

I think I need to do a life insurance policy...and I'd definitely stick it on my fridge!

Do you remember those studies done- last year, was it?- that estimated how much a SAHM would make if she were paid for what she did? I think I saw one that said about $150,000...

Christi said...

It is amazing how all the little things we do add up.

Although I must confess that I do think its insane how much some people charge for daycare, cleaning your house, ect. I guess I'm just cheap when it comes down to it in more ways that one! lol

Adam said...

I could never replace you!

Adam said...

If you kill the bucket I just get my mom to watch Alyssa.

Ha! Just kidding! Did I get ya? Huh? Huh? Is your computer screen ok?

Christi said...

But hon, is it really worth having your mom watch Alyssa for free if you're just going to have to put her in therapy for years, which will probably cost 3 times the amount of daycare anyway? Think about it! :P

Anonymous said...

I am glad that the agent that took my place was able to assist you in such an important matter. I would be doing the same thing if I were there!