Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I must be crazy

Since we went through the whole "moving drama" last week, I've been thinking more and more about what it would be like to move back to my hometown. All my life I can remember thinking that there was NO WAY I would ever want to end up back there, but as I was driving home on Saturday I started thinking about the charms that the little town has to offer. And we could get 3 times the house for what we paid for our current house. I had a dream last night that a house just down the street from my parents that used to be owned by some people that I babysat for frequently was up for sale. I always loved that house.

I wonder if Adam would ever consider moving there. I would if I would ever REALLY want to.

1 comment:

Adam said...

1. Sure, I'd consider it.
2. Are there any jobs? Wait, I'd probably make half what I'm making here.
3. Jeopardy: How to really piss my parents off?
4. Wonder what the commute to work would be like?