Monday, December 18, 2006

I'm making my list . . .

and checking it twice (or thrice . . . or fifty times).

And shockingly, I think I'm really pretty on the ball/prepared this holiday season. I've got all our out of town packages wrapped, packed up, postage labels on them, and set up a pick up with our mail person for tomorrow. Alyssa and I have to frost/decorate about 2 dozen sugar cookies sometime this week and I need to make one more loaf of bread to give to the neighbors, but otherwise my holiday goodies were finished today. I'm waiting for my dad's Christmas gift to arrive (it was shipped today) and we need to get 3 more KC&ES DVDs from Eric for Adam's family, but otherwise all my gifts are bought and wrapped. I do need to hit the grocery store to pick up supplies for Christmas Eve, but there's still plenty of time for that.

Its a really good feeling! Normally I'm the person frantically trying to finish up wrapping presents as we're walking out the door Christmas morning. Its funny, but in a way being able to handle this holiday fairly smoothly (let's not think about my near breakdowns over Alyssa's play kitchen) makes me feel like I'm going to be okay at handling becoming the mother of two children. And considering that I entered the "30s" week-wise yesterday, that's going to be happening before I know it!

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