Saturday, November 11, 2006

Ahhh motherhood . . .

I'm sitting at the computer catching up on blogs and listening to Alyssa rummage through the closet behind me. All of the sudden she comes running over to me screaming "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" and she proudly holds out her hand to show me 4 raisins. My reply "Where did you get those?" as I'm trying to think back to the last time I gave her raisins . . . and then I proceed to let her eat them because, hey, they're fruit!

If I could go back and tell my "first time pregnant self" these type of stories, I think I would make my toes curl.


Anonymous said...

are you sure they were rasins and not "rasins"????

4x4paws said...

Yes, we go by the 5-month-rule at our house. ;)