Monday, October 03, 2005

The kid blows my mind!

I know I've said this before, but I absolutely cannot get over how grown up and smart Alyssa seems to be getting. I can't believe that a year ago she was just a pile of mush in my tummy and now she's actually a CHILD! A child that has ideas of her own, feelings, and understands part of the world around her.

Today I was giving her goldfish crackers and got up to let the dogs in. I looked back at the coffee table to see her unrolling the bag, reaching in, and helping herself to crackers. Just like a regular person!

Then this afternoon I was vacuuming and when I got "too close" to her she would put her hands over her ears.

HOW DOES SHE FIGURE THIS STUFF OUT?!?!?! It absolutely freakin' amazes me.


Chad said...

She'll be editing RMP films with her dad and the boys in no time!

Highlandgal said...

They are becoming the most surprising and interesting creatures. It makes every day an adventure I'd really hate to miss.

BTW, three posts in one day does not excuse you for five days. Just sayin' ;)