Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Biggest Loser

A couple times over the past month or so I've stumbled upon "The Biggest Loser" on Tuesday nights. I heard about it last year, but I didn't really think much of it, but since I've watched it I've really been touched by some of these people on the show. I had an awful day today eating wise ~ I ate everything in sight and really didn't care at all if I was a cow the rest of my life. So I decided to watch the show to look for inspiration . . . and inspiration I found.

One of the guys on the show found out that his uncle had passed away of a heart attack. He started talking about how he wanted people to understand that losing weight and being healthy isn't just for you, it’s for your family. Because its not fair to leave them behind before you've grown old and passed on all your are supposed to/want to pass on or live a life that can't be lived to fullest each day because of weight related problems.

That really got me to thinking. I once sat down and made a list of why I wanted to lose weight. I wanted to be healthy, but I didn't really think of that in terms of developing diabetes, heart disease, etc, I just wanted to be healthy weight so that I looked and felt good. I'm only 25 years old. Who worries about dying early when they are in their 20s? I wanted to have energy to keep up with my child(ren), I wanted Adam to find me attractive, and I wanted my family and friends to be proud of me and how I looked, and I wanted to be able to buy "fun" clothes. All pretty superficial reasons. Not that they aren't good reasons, but tonight I realized how important it is for me to get to a healthy weight and stay at a healthy weight.

I want to be married to Adam for 68 years like my grandparents were. I want to see Alyssa graduate from high school and college and get married and have children and be happy and successful. I want to live each day healthy and happy and full of self-respect and self esteem. I want to realize my full potential instead of just accepting things the way they are. I think I found my inspiration.


Adam said...

I do find you attractive!

Angela Dwight said...

I find you attractive too!! :) I think you are doing an awesome job with your weight loss... I wish I had HALF the drive that you do regarding you being healthy!

Mz.Elle said...

I watched that show....
You're going to continue to do just great,I know it!