Sunday, September 03, 2006

Sick, mowing, and cards ~ oh my!

Sick: Adam and I have been trading off being sick for the past few days. Started out as allergies for both of us (I had been fighting allergies for at least a week or so), but I think mine moved on to a sinus infection or just a really, really bad cold. My saint of a child took a SUPER LONG nap on Thursday or I don't think I would have made it through the day and my saint of a mommy came down to take care of both of her girls. She's the best! Today I think I'm feeling better "stuffy" wise, but for some reason the smell of the Chinese we had last night has been making me dry heave all morning and my throat is starting to really hurt. Drainage, maybe? Maybe I'll blame my sickness on the fact that I went to visit Christy, Evan, and Charlie after school on Wednesday. Damn those elementary school germs!

Mowing: Adam mowed the jungle that is our yard today (it needed to be mowed yesterday as it was just a yard yesterday, but then it rained all day and the grass shot up about 3 feet). Its funny, it seems like whenever he mows on the weekend all our other neighbors end up following suit. He's such a trend setter ~ keeping up with the K's, I guess.

A good rainy day/I feel like crap weekend activity for me is scrapbooking. I have a card swap coming up, so I decided to try to get my cards made for that. Before Adam leaves me *SOB* and I'm a single mom for 4, count 'em 4, days. (But its okay because my mom and Julai are already fighting to see when they each get to take care of Alyssa and I, so we'll be in good hands). Anyway, I wasn't feel very creative, but I'm really happy with the way they turrned out, so thought I would share. I don't share my scrapping/stamping stuff on here very often. I should do more of that. Anyway . . . for your viewing pleasure . . .

1 comment:

PSUMommy said...

We do the sick thing, too...we mowed our lawn jungle last night, the *same* thing happened to us...and those cards are so cool!