Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Lessons Learned

A topic on my October mom's board today was to name 10 lessons you want to teach your child. Thought it might make for a fun blog topic, too . . .

I hope Alyssa will learn from me ~

1. Always say please and thank you and show respect no matter how important you think the person you are interacting with is.
2. How to handle money responsibly
3. Get out of town . . . travel as much as you can. It may be scary, but its an invaluable experience.
4. Its okay (and encouraged!) to make mistakes and bad choices; recongonize that you've done so and learn from them.
5. Let your guard down and just be silly once in awhile.
6. Don't judge people solely on first impressions . . . many of the important people in my life wouldn't have been in my life if I had.
7. Take time to enjoy the little things in life; in the end they are what matter most.
8. Don't let other people tell you who you should be or what you should do; follow your own heart because it knows best.
9. Listen to your gut and don't be afraid to do what you know is right deep down regardless of the "popular" vote.
10. Know that no matter how harshly the world tosses you around, you always, always, always have a safe haven at home (with your mommmy :) ).


Adam said...

11. Don't do drugs
12. Don't smoke
13. Always use a condom

Chad said...

14. Always give Boomer a hug
15. Watch RMP films annually!