Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Back in the swing of things

Alyssa and I started back at jazzercise this week. I'm trying to ease into things by doing M,W,F classes for a few weeks and then hopefully adding a fourth one into the mix sometime. Maybe on the weekend to give Alyssa and Daddy some alone time. I'm amazed at how much I missed my classes. Not just hanging out with other adults, but I actually feel so nice and stretched out and not so tense all of the time. But the best part of it was today . . . watching Alyssa come running out of the childcare room absolutely beaming from cheek to cheek. And I don't think it was happiness at seeing me . . . it was happiness at being back around her friends, being able to run around with the other kids, and just have her own little "me time". I never thought when I started doing jazzercise as my ticket to get healthier both physcially and emotionally/mentally it would have such a huge impact on Alyssa's well being, too, but I think its turned her into a really well-adjusted and outgoing toddler. Maybe I'm not such a sucky mom after all. :P

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