Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Do you know how weird I am?

Jeff tagged me for this latest "get to know you" game ~ 6 weird things about me and then I have to "tag" 6 people.

1. I am completely anal about how my bath towels are folded.
2. I can't stand to use wooden spoons ~ they give me the heebie jeebies.
3. Toilet paper has to go a certain way in my house (so that paper goes over the top). I used to even change it at other people's houses, but then I realized that some of them put it the "wrong" way to keep cats from unrolling it all, so I stopped. Sorry to anyone I "paper changed" in the past. ;)
4. When playing solitare on the computer my aces have to go black, red, black, red or red, black, red, black ~ the same colors can't touch each other.
5. I will make the bed right before bed if I haven't gotten around to making it throughout the day. There's just something special about a made bed.
6. My husband doesn't own a cell phone (just for you, Adam!)

I tag Angie 6 times so that maybe she'll FINALLY update her blog.


Angela Dwight said...

NO!! You can't do that to me!! I know I need to update my blog... maybe on the 8th I will have time... NOT! I will TRY to blog this week, how about that?

Angela Dwight said...

GRRRR... I'm trying to blog and keep getting an unexpected error. It's a good one too... no wonder I don't blog that often.

Geekette said...

Im pretty anal about the way toilet paper is on there too. I have two cats and dont have a problem with it being over the top. Ive changed my IL's several times lol.