Thursday, May 31, 2007

Adventures in potty training: Chapter 1

This week I've been slowly working on potty training with Alyssa. More because I can't get the girl to keep a diaper and/or pants on than really feeling ready to tackle potty training. I think she's ready; just not quite so sure about mommy.

Tuesday: She pooped on the floor in the living room and a little bit in her potty. When I saw it she said "Oh poop, Mommy. Daddy pick up home work" Meaning that Daddy would pick it up when he got home from work. I guess she figured that Daddy cleans up Lexi and Joey's poop out in the yard, so poop detail must be his job.

Wednesday: Successful poop in the potty! We called Daddy and both Grandmas to announce the news. BUT . . . while sitting on Daddy's lap after he got home, Alyssa peed through her panties, shorts, and Daddy's shorts.

Thursday: Two successful pees in the potty, which resulted in 2 stickers on her potty chart!

Have I mentioned I'm not sure if I'm ready for this yet?


Jennifer said...

You may do as you will, but I potty trained Andrew for almost 2 months until I realized that he would just do it one day when he was ready and sure enough that's what he did. When he was ready he was potty trained in about three days. Now, he rarely wets at night and has no accidents during the day. My aunt swears by the 2 week/$75 method. Good LUCK!

Geekette said...

Omg I just about peed my pants I laughed so hard at her thinking Daddy should clean it up lmao!!!

WTG on starting with the potty training. I wish Maygan would be even alittle interested. Its like she's terrified of the thing.