Thursday, July 14, 2005

I feel sheepish . . . baaaa!

I was driving home from swimming this afternoon and stopped at a red light (something many people these days find unusal!). There was a truck in front of me and the two cars in front of him/her had gotten into a fender bender. The truck in front of me had his turn signal on to move from the left lane (where we were) to the right so that he could go around the accident and I was doing the same; we were both waiting for a lull in traffic. The DUMBASS behind me decides that she's going to move into the left turn lane, so she goes up on the curb/median to get around me and in the process hits the back of my car. Then it ticked me off that she didn't have the patience to wait for the two cars in front of her to merge to the right so that she could then follow, so she cut in front of the accident and moved over to the far right hand lane. I meanwhile moved into the left turn lane with my bruised car and my screaming child (the bump from the van behind us woke her up) so that I could pull into a strip mall to 1) tend to my screaming child and 2) check for any damage. As I'm stopped at the red light again at the same intersection waiting to turn left, I'm not so tactfully straining to see the licence plate number of "Ms Red Van" who hit me. I calmed Alyssa down and checked out the car to see that some of the dust had been shaken off my bumper, but I can't see any other damage. As I'm pulling out of the parking lot, "Ms. Red Van" turns into the parking lot, rolls down her window and apologizes, saying "I was just trying to turn left". (Then why did she move to the far RIGHT lane from the left turn lane?!) I reply in a VERY bitchy tone "Did you happen to notice that you HIT ME?!" Ms Red Van: "No, I didn't hear that" Me: "Well, you did, but there's no damage" Ms. Red Van: "Well, I'm sorry". Me: "Yeah, whatever" and I pull away. I so wanted to flip her off or call her a bitch or something. But I didn't. But as soon as I pulled away I started feeling bad. She really seemed like a nice person and she didn't have to track me down and explain things. I shouldn't have been so quick to judge and so hot tempered. It was an accident and accidents happen. Granted, I really think you should have the patience if you're trying to move into a turn lane to wait until there is room for you to get to the turn lane without having to drive up on the curb so I think that was sucky of her to do. So, Ms Red Van, I apologize for being so bitchy and I forgive you for hitting my dear Gwen (waking the baby on the other hand . . . I can't quite forgive that yet because those nap moments are VERY PRECIOUS!). ;)


Angela Dwight said...

So... did you pull an "Angie" and lose your temper by cussing her out? :)

Christi said...

Maybe just an "Ang" . . . not quite a full fledged "Angie" ~ I need more practice to fill your shoes.