Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Today while making lunch I found myself thinking, "Wow, I had forgotten how much I really love being a stay at home mom". The kicker is that I can to this realization after spending the morning running all around town. Strange, eh?

For those of you that don't know, I have daycare kids Monday, Wednesday, and Thursdays, but still have Tuesdays and Fridays just for me and the kids. Most of my "mom" days just end up feeling like days that I need to cram as much in as possible. For some reason today was a "good" SAHM day and I was reminded of how much I miss those days. But again, the dumb thing is, we didn't stay at home. We all got up, had breakfast, got dressed and then made our first stop at the Y where the kids played (or sobbed in Joel's case) and I got a good workout in. We then picked up some groceries and stop by the park for a few minutes on our way home before heading home for lunch. Followed by that glorious thing known as naptime ... or shower and clean up the house time for mommy.

Anyway, today made me look forward to my "extra" kids growing up and going to school because in the back of my mind I keep thinking that I'll only do daycare for the families that I have currently and I'm fairly sure no one is planning on any babies coming along. But then I realize that when my last "extra" kid is in school, that means my baby will be in school, too, and then I probably won't know what to do with myself. Vicious cycle.

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