Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Its not easy being "green"

Adam frequently talks about how he wishes that he could be more "green" in his day to day activities. I was inspired by him while grocery shopping a few weeks ago, so I bought some of the lovely canvas bags that our grocery store offers as a more environmentally friendly option instead of paper or plastic bags. Plus I get really annoyed when they will put a loaf of bread in a plastic bag and call it full so that I end up having as many plastic bags as grocery items when I get home. Anyway, yesterday I made a point of grabbing my bags before leaving the house to go visit Joey at the vet and then swing by the grocery store to pick up a few things. Per usual, as the checker starting ringing up my groceries she immediately asked me if I wanted "paper or plastic"? I proudly pulled out my canvas bags and she gave me a "good for you!" smile as she said "never mind!". I told her that plastic was fine after she filled up my two bags, but we both acknowledged that I probably didn't have much more than what would fill the two bags. So she instructed the bagger (who was about 12, I'm guessing) to use plastic after filling the bags I brought ... the poor girl was so confused ... she put my grapes in a plastic bag, then the bananas in a plastic bag, etc and then put all THOSE plastic bags inside my bag I brought into the store. The best laid plans ...

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