Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Homeschooling . . .

is it getting more popular or is it another one of those "now you're in the mommy club and you can know about this" things. You know, the things that you assume are there because you always hear about them, but you don't realize HOW THERE they are until you're actually a parent. It feels like I've stumbled upon a lot of moms that homeschool lately.

Maybe that's my way to get rid of my "I regret not getting my education degree" regret ~ I could homeschool my kids. No, I couldn't. Let's face it, they would learn nothing except whether Joey and Dawson end up together or what Ellen's topic is for her monologue of the day. And maybe a little bit of Gilmore Girls drama thrown in for good measure. (PS I had to look up monologue, so you can bet yer arse they wouldn't know how to spell it!).

I'm too lazy to homeschool.


4x4paws said...

Amen, sister.

Angela Dwight said...

They would also know how to use a computer, IM and e-mail. :)