Sunday, December 02, 2007


For those of you who don't know, this:

is what the sign "more" looks like according to ASL (American Sign Language)

Here's my kids' take on it ~

Alyssa first signed "more" by holding one hand out so the palm was flat and using the pointer finger of her other hand to point to the middle of her palm repeatedly in a "put it right here" kind of way. She first did this when we were in Target as my mom was pushing her past the toys. That's my girl.

Joel looks at me like I've gone completely crazy or I'm the funniest person on the earth when I'll ask him if he wants more and show him the sign for it. But I have noticed lately that when I say "more" he'll start pounding on the tray of his high chair in a "Damn it, Mom, quit goofing around and give me my cheese puffs!" kind of way.

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